Keep Calm and Carry on | My Motto in 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On Union Jack

This article is by our guest contributor Patrick Cooper:

In June 2012 we had the Queens Diamond Jubilee. A time to arm yourself to the teeth and brave the nearest Wal-Mart.

Get the supersize trolley and load it up with all the GM foods you can eat, buy one get 17 free. Straight out of the box it comes, into the microwave and onto the paper tablecloth.

Oh what a party it was with all those delish alcopops! Well, they’re harmless enough. Even the children can have one or two, just like the grownups.

The grownups get drunk and argue about “Big Brother” and the European Cup. The kids have a whale of a time stealing cigarettes and hoovering up anything they can get their hands on they shouldn’t.

When in their hyperactive mode the riot begins (whilst the grownups pretend that everything is ok). It must be bedtime – “yeah right Mum”.

Now, I am pretty sure that 30 years ago and even more recently it wasn’t quite like this…

Either that or I am an old fuddy duddy and I am pretty sure that isn’t the case.

You see more recently an 18 certificate film is certainly is the most depraved, disgusting and terrifying 1 hour and 30 minutes anyone is likely to encounter this side of the Middle East.

They certainly don’t compare to the Disneyesque versions of “Nightmare on Elm Street” I used to watch!

That is how life is now – boundaries are simply nonexistent.

The “Candy news” from la la land is on all day every day read by informed and concerned beautiful people reading out misery from all over the world but it’s all ok, it’s a double dip recession; whatever the hell that is.

Phew that’s lucky I thought the whole planet was going to financially implode, but everything’s ok because we don’t use the Euro in the UK, our government was smart enough to stay out of that one, they must be really clever.

Never mind silly old Europeans, good job we are an island so we have nothing to worry about.

But really, are we that naïve?

Yes we clearly are. the Titanic is sinking and everyone is drunk, who cares because the footy will be on soon and then the Olympics.

Most people I know who actually got any tickets have told me they’d already bought their mini TVs on Ebay to watch from their back row seats.

And we British with our stiff upper lips say “well that’s ok”. Well you know what… It bloody well isn’t so what exactly can you do about it?

Well I’ve got my “Keep Calm and Carry on” mug and I saluted all those brave souls out there that weekend. I looked forward to The Candy News when I can hear all about people burned alive, arrested and murdered because they drank chemical beer all weekend.

But it will all still be ok because it didn’t happen next door, unless it did of course. Coming soon to a window near you – reality news, live and in surround sound, think you will notice or maybe you just won’t be able to tell the difference between the TV and what’s happening outside your window”

Patrick Cooper is an independent financial adviser.

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